Historical Name: Grover Cleveland
Common Name: Red Oak
Latin Name: Quercus rubra
As the only president born in New Jersey, Grover Cleveland holds a special place in the hearts of our State’s residents. The son of the pastor of the Caldwell Presbyterian Church, he was born on March 18, 1837 in “The Old Manse,” the parsonage located at what is now 207 Bloomfield Avenue in Caldwell, New Jersey. Named for the first pastor of the church, Stephen Grover, the future president moved to New York State with his parents in 1841. He studied law, became a lawyer, and held a number of elected positions in New York State. He culminated his career with his election as 22nd and 24th president of our country.
Some interesting facts about Grover Cleveland include his being the first United States President to be married in the White House, and the only president to serve non-consecutive terms (having been defeated in his re-election bid to become the 23rd president). He is also the only president buried in New Jersey (in Princeton). This tree grew from a seed collected from the Red Oak in the yard of Grover Cleveland’s birthplace, and was planted into UCNJ’s Historic Tree Grove in 2002.